We are excited to announce that Hydraulics International air driven gas booster is now available from KISS Rebreathers!
This light weight booster is perfect for the home based or traveling rebreather diver.
· Boost gas pressure from 300 psi to 3450 psi
· Hold Pressure: Can be controlled to stop at any predetermined pressure and hold that pressure
indefinitely without consuming power, and restart under full load
· Intrinsically Safe: Compressed air reduces risk of heat, flame, spark, or electrical shock
· Contamination FREE: Separation between drive and gas section uses three static seals with dual vents
· Dimensions: 12.05” L x 4.9” D x 3.4” H
· Weight: 11.6- pounds (5.2 Kg)
· Pressure Ratio: 23:1
· Maximum Outlet Pressure: 3,450- psi (238 Bar)
· Max/Min Drive Air Pressure: 150/12- psi (10/0.8 Bar)